Jesus in the Workplace: A Journey of Faith and Restoration

Jun 8, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

You’ll notice something different when you step onto a Just Working Construction site. It’s not just the hum of activity or the precision of our work but the underlying ethos that guides us – a commitment to embodying Jesus in the workplace.

A Second Chance

Jeff Van Gyssel, president and founder of Just Working Construction, a former addict, found a new lease on life when he embraced Christianity. His transformation led him to dedicate his life to helping others, particularly those struggling with similar issues. His journey led him to Ray of Hope and the Journey Church in Kitchener, where he learned to live by Jesus’s example. Jeff’s story is a testament to the power of faith and the potential for change.

Love and Dignity in the Workplace

Jess Van Es, Office Manager at Just Working Construction, who grew up in the church, believes in the transformative power of love and dignity in the workplace. She emphasizes the importance of providing second chances, third chances, and even more if needed. She believes that beautiful partnerships can be formed when love and opportunities are offered and embraced. However, she also acknowledges that not all opportunities are accepted, and sometimes, letting go is the only option.

Living by Jesus’s Example

Jeff and Jess emphasize the importance of living by Jesus’s example, not just on Sundays but daily. Colossians 3:23-24 speaks to the Christ-like character of integrity and humility. They believe Jesus wants us to live in community, do life together, and carry the same Christian values into our workplaces.

Overcoming Challenges

Jeff, Jess, and others at Just Working Construction strive to maintain a Christ-like character when faced with challenges or disappointments. They believe in the restorative power of Jesus and the importance of providing dignified work and the ability to care for one’s family. They acknowledge that conflicts will arise but strive to love people well and provide opportunities for change.

The Mission of Just Working Construction

At Just Working Construction, the mission is to love others best by loving God the most. Jeff quotes 1 John 4:7, “Love in its truest purest form can only come from God because God is love.” They aim to provide a quality product while making a difference in people’s lives, acting as a city on a hill that can’t be hidden. They hope to inspire other industry leaders to rise and follow their example.

Building a Community

At Just Working Construction, the team is more than just a group of individuals working together. They are a community bound by shared values and a common mission. They support each other in need, celebrate successes, and work together to overcome challenges. They are a testament to the power of community in the workplace and its transformative impact.

Embracing Diversity

Just Working Construction is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. They believe this diversity is a strength, bringing many perspectives and ideas. They strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected and their contributions are recognized and appreciated.

Looking to the Future

As they look to the future, Just Working Construction is committed to continuing its mission of bringing Jesus into the workplace. They are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and are dedicated to positively impacting the lives of their employees and the communities they serve. They are driven by a vision of a workplace where faith, love, and community are at the heart of everything they do.

Faith in Action

Jeff and Jess have seen tremendous growth in the faith of those who come through Just Working Construction. They’ve seen “Sunday only” Christians become more active in their faith throughout the week. They’ve seen tears shed during breakout prayer meetings and Bible studies at work. They’ve seen employees feel comfortable enough to approach management for prayer. They’ve seen faith in action.

A Call to Live Out Faith

Jeff and Jess call on all Christians to live out their faith in their personal lives and workplaces. Jesus was a carpenter and a tradesman, and there are so many people to reach when you’re working with them in their lives, no matter your occupation. Jeff and Jess believe that they are called to freely give as we have freely received, to follow the example of Paul, and ultimately, to follow Christ.

Navigating Stress and Anxiety

Even amid stress and anxiety, Jeff and Jess turn to their faith. They believe in the importance of being in the Word every day and, sometimes, taking a sabbatical day to spend time alone with God. They remind us that we live on earth, but it’s not where we draw life from – we need our heavenly source.

The Road Ahead: Our Commitment Continues

In the words of James 1:22-26, Jeff and Jess urge us to be “doers of the word, not hearers only.” They extend us an invitation to embark on this voyage of faith and rejuvenation, to incorporate Jesus in the workplace, and to manifest our faith in every facet of our existence. Although we may face challenges and disappointments, we can always turn to our faith for guidance and strength. We are called to love others as we love God, provide dignity and care for our families, and live by Jesus’s example daily. It’s important to remember that we are not just workers but followers of Christ, called to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives.

At Just Working Construction, Jesus is not just a figure of worship, but a guide, a mentor, and a friend. He is in the workplace, the workers’ hearts, and every project they undertake. He is in the love they show each other, the second chances they give, and the hope they inspire.

It’s about Jesus in every place, moment, and heart. It’s about a faith that transforms lives, a love that transcends boundaries, and a hope that never ends. It’s about a journey that continues and a call that echoes – to bring Jesus into workplaces, lives, and the world.