Just Fairview: Hope

Oct 5, 2020 | Just Fairview | 0 comments

I’m not going to lie, I’m exhausted.
This girl is done living in a 25ft trailer.
The colder it gets outside the smaller it feels.

This thing here has been dubbed the fireblaster by my youngest.
This might reflect my own insecurities about cooking with propane.

BUT within the depths of despair there is hope (might be a little melodramatic).

There is hope because these windows finally made their way from Poland, through a strike at the Montreal port, and are nestled safely in their sills.

There is hope because we have 2 repurposed kitchens being installed into their rightful places.

There is hope as the final coating of our super thick, insulated, comforter-like walls are being applied.

There is hope because our amazing parents have taken on the task of helping the children turn their rooms into their own works of art (which Jeff and I have not had the capacity left to do)

Hope is in these smiling faces working hard

Hope is getting to move out of the trailer in just 2 weeks and into a basement apartment with wifi and a real shower thanks to another set of amazing parents!

Finally, but most importantly, there is hope because our family has not collapsed into shambles only due to God’s grace, as we continue to rely on him at each twist and turn this project has thrown at us.

“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

— 1 Thessalonians 1:3