Just Fairview: Temporary Home

Jul 12, 2020 | Just Fairview | 0 comments

This is officially my home for the foreseeable future. I might say my home for the summer months, but realistically I’m here until at least September. I should have prepared to be here until October, but I guess we’ll all get a couple new sweaters & blankets from the thrift store if it takes that long.

The moving out process was a disaster. I thought I would be taking advantage of our last few days of hydro at home, but on Monday when the boys started jack-hammering out the entire basement floor, and Gabi started crying above the noise, it became evident we needed to get out. So I packed up the kids, and all my computer equipment and said hello to my new office.

More surprises to come when I thought I would take my last shower in our house Tuesday evening only to discover the water would not warm up. I guess I should have been more observant and noticed this guy sitting outside my house.

It’s the end of the week and our house is now empty. We have left our 1100 sq ft house behind and are slowly, but God willing, surely settling into our 150 sq ft trailer. Big changes (big chaos) for all of us! Feels like a constant tripping on each other’s toes, being in each other’s spaces. Praying for plenty of love, understanding and forgiveness to get us through this time.

And we fix our eyes on the goal. We talk to the kids about the sacrifices we make today in order to get to where we need to be in the future. We look at the progress that has already been made, and remind each other that this is temporary.

The furnace is out! Our house is officially net 0 carbon! We don’t have another source of heat quite yet, but it’s coming, and it’s exciting!

The concrete posts are in, which will hold up our beautiful Douglas Firs, which will hold our roof.

Goodbye to the ugly hedges, and hello to lots of parking spaces for our future tenants.

And of course, who can resist some shots of the kids knocking the first hole in the wall.

All this preparation for a product yet unseen. It gives us hope in our challenges. A reason to keep moving. We don’t stop living because we’re displaced. We make the most of where we are, and we continue to prepare for the future.

I pray that my family will carry this mentality with us to the new house. It’s not our eternal home. It is, in fact, temporary. I pray that we live with this fact in our hearts. That we respect this home, and make the most of it. Yet, at the very same time, remember that our priority is to prepare for our eternal home with Jesus and never take our eyes off this goal.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”

— 2 Corinthians 4:18